
Pierre Fabre Médicament – SuperCritical Fluids Division will be an exhibitor at CPhI Japan 2012, which will be held at the Big Sight Exhibition Center in Tokyo, 21-23 March 2012.

  • Category: pre-formulation development
  • GMP SuperCritical Fluids unit: pharmaceutical establishment audited by health authorities; green processes (solvent free); cost-competitive processes applicable even for OTC drugs

Pierre Fabre Médicament proposes to external customers its know-how in supercritical fluids through innovative technologies to treat your API. The patented processes applied can help your development, your lifecycle management, and your formulation.

  • Coating process for taste-masking: FORMULCOAT¹
  • Improvement of the solubility and bioavailability of APIs: FORMULPLEX²
  • Stable solid dispersion: FORMULDISP³

Please meet Pierre Fabre Médicament at booth # K-32 in East Hall 5 at CPhI Japan 2012 to discuss how these patented processes could be the solution you are looking for.

To plan a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact Bernard Freiss at [email protected]. He will be accompanied by an interpreter (French – English/Japanese) during CPhI.



¹ FORMULCOAT: coating of particles without use of organic solvent, giving impressive results for taste-masking.

² FORMULPLEX: complexation with cyclodextrin in a powder form, providing impressive enhancement of the apparent solubility of a poorly soluble drug due to the CO2 medium which creates an excellent equilibrium.

³ FORMULDISP: stabilisation of a drug in an amorphous state, leading to improvement of bioavailability with a totally dry and stable solid dispersion.