
Thermostat LOOP L 250 by LAUDA has been selected by VACUUBRAND to provide a high-performance thermoelectric circulation measurement solution for quality assurance.

VACUUBRAND manufactures a comprehensive range of vacuum generation, measurement and control products worldwide for coarse and fine vacuums in laboratories.

When certain workpieces are measured for dimensional accuracy during quality assurance, the temperature must remain constant to ensure comparability. Since the ambient temperature in the production hall varies considerably at different times of the year, the measuring equipment and workpieces are maintained at a constant temperature of 19°C on a copper plate with water flowing through it.

For this purpose, the LAUDA LOOP L 250 is switched on via an external timer at 5:00am to pre-heat the plate. The device is then switched off automatically at 6:00pm.

VACUUBRAND’s Martin Scheurich said: “The LOOP meets our requirements perfectly.

“It is extremely compact and works without any refrigerant whatsoever, which saves us a lot of technical testing that would otherwise be necessary.

“The device is less maintenance-intensive and highly energy-efficient; even though it runs for 13 hours per day.”

The LAUDA LOOP has been available on the market since spring 2017, making it the most recent product development from LAUDA in Lauda-Königshofen.

This external thermostatic circulator was developed for the requirements of modern laboratory work processes. The highly flexible thermoelectric circulation thermostat accurately maintains a constant temperature between 4°C and 80°C.

The air-cooled LAUDA LOOP is ideal for laboratories with limited space due to its compact design and low noise emissions, while still achieving impressive cooling performance.

The smaller version, the L 100, has an output of 120W at 8kg, while the larger L 250 offers 250W at 12kg.

With the LAUDA LOOP, LAUDA is one of the first leading manufacturers of thermostatic circulators to employ Peltier technology without the use of refrigerant. This provides benefits in operation and maintenance, in safety of the work processes and the environment.

The LAUDA LOOP is used primarily in laboratory applications in a wide variety of industries, from bio-technology to life sciences, as well as the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals and medical technology.