
Tempco is currently working on two new projects for temperature regulation for an important manufacturer of plants employed in food processing and pharmaceutical production. A first part of the plant is dedicated to the cooling of stainless steel conveyor belts that provide the transportation and lamination of the products, forwarding them to the final flaking process.

The other part of the project provides the heating of the product itself. The product gets spread out along the conveyor belt in order to obtain flakes or tablets from the layer of processed materials, at the end of the cooling step explained here above.

As often required by food and pharmaceutical applications, these are highly customized plants as well, requiring a previous accurate study of the piping in order to enable easy integration in the existing machinery at the customer’s facility. In addition, an in depth study of both flow and thermal and hydraulic requirements of the specific production process involved is a key passage for the success of the project. Overall, the plant is constructed in stainless steel, enhancing our basic Tempco standard machines with a customized execution and a further level of flexibility, to meet the installation needs of the customer.

The typical configuration includes a chiller condensed with water or air, for the production of refrigerated water serving multiple utilities:

  • Process heat exchanger
  • Air treatment unit
  • Spraying nozzles
  • A diathermic oil thermoregulating unit

The thermoregulation unit ensures to keep at constant temperature levels equipments such as:

  • Pipings for product distribution
  • Conveyor belts distribution system
  • Heating process’ components