
Cutting edge flexible containment technologies are a proven solution to achieve containment for retrofit applications, and can be seen at ILC Dover’s stand (number 946) at Interphex in New York from 17 to 19 March 2009.

Today’s marketplace and overall economy are putting more pressure than ever on decision-makers in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. When ILC asks “what keeps you up at night?” the feedback includes, but is not limited to:

  • I need to get a new product developed and my schedule is too short to afford a long lead delivery of new process equipment
  • Money is tight and I cannot get capital funding to expand my operations
  • I have existing equipment that is very functional but I am now being asked to manufacture highly hazardous potent compounds
  • My financial analysis of our business operations shows that we cannot continue to absorb high capital costs and the depreciation costs of new facilities and expensive containment equipment

Given these types of pressures the use of innovative flexible containment technologies for achieving containment of highly hazardous compounds and cGMP initiatives is crucial. Retrofitting process equipment to allow existing assets to be used to meet these needs is a key element in the manufacturing strategy. As the leader in this technology, our systems have been validated on reactors, centrifuges, dryers, mills, blenders, compression machines, coaters and a myriad of other types of process equipment.

ILC’s stand (946) exhibits the use of innovative installed solutions across pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical processes, a provocative thought process moving forward for customised installations and a look at a technology that has been verified to reduce the overall cost of ownership for contained processing.