
ILC Dover has successfully completed an Rx-360 pharmaceutical industry consortium audit for its packaging and supply chain security.

This rigorous review complements ILC Dover’s continuing commitment to quality, continual improvement and existing certifications such as ISO 9001.

ILC Dover provides process solutions to reduce powder dispensing times, stop contamination, and minimise waste. The company makes filling and sealing easy with the use of its rugged Amorflex ® anti-static single use containers.

ILC Dover has qualified solutions from media and buffer preparation to active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturing and oral solid dosage processing.

The recent assessment was conducted on a voluntary basis, encompassing a wide assortment of practices ranging from supply chain security, quality management, training, manufacturing practices, technological security. The audit took two days to complete and involved a comprehensive sampling of the entire pharmaceutical operation. On conclusion, no critical observations were noted.

A unique feature of the Rx-360 audit process includes the ability of customers to access the audit report, enhancing transparency and potentially decreasing costs by eliminating or reducing the need for site audits.

Starting in 2009, the Rx-360 consortium works to enhance supply chain security, with a focus on assuring the quality and authenticity of pharmaceutical products. There is a need to establish best practices for supply chain security and a mission to share them. The audits encompass the entire supply chain, from the origin of incoming materials to shipping of final products.