
ILC Dover’s NIOSH-approved Sentinel XL Clear™ Hood Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) is used in applications that are not using containment and where a combination of flexible containment and RPE support a process.

Two of the primary features of the Sentinel Clear™ Hood are the operator friendliness of the system and the assurance of added safety for the operator. Specifically, we have had great feedback related to:

  • Excellent viewing area
  • High airflow
  • Greater comfort
  • 1000 APF
  • Lightweight
  • Integrated battery and blower
  • No headband
  • Secure fit
  • Ergonomic design that eliminates a headband or neck dam

Bring value to your organization and comfort to your work force by signing up for a no obligation trial. Please contact ILC Dover to discuss or set up a demo.